On a hunting outing not too far from his home, outwardly respectable family man Chris (Sean Bridgers) discovers a woman (Pollyanna McIntosh) living in the wild.
He decides to capture her and keep her hostage in his cellar under the pretence of helping her adjust to civilized society.
What follows is an abhorrent spectacle of torture and rape which even involves the rest of Chris' family, especially his young son. Eventually she escapes and goes looking for revenge, showing an amazing aptitude for the use of bladed weapons, maybe the wolves taught her.
Ordinarily I would have turned this off but I wanted to be able to post a review so I persevered. Bear in mind that I am a fan of both Hostel and Saw but unlike those films this has no redeeming features. The acting is way below par and I'm struggling to see how this managed to get an, albeit limited, UK cinema release.
Apparently it gained some notoriety because some people walked out at a film festival. I can see why they did, it's a thoroughly unpleasant experience that lacks the essential element for this type of film, a compelling story.
Not clever and certainly not funny.
Ric's Rating: 11%