Martin Scorsese.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo play Federal Marshalls sent to investigate an apparent escape from a formidable mental institution.
From the get go I suspected this would be a bit ropey as the boat ride to the island was so cheaply filmed you could almost see the set wobbling. Then we have DiCaprio in a part that he is still too fresh faced for, I couldn't get on board with him playing this grisled war veteran tortured by his past. Ben Kingsly and Max Von Sydow collect their paychecks playing doctors but both have no decent material so maybe it's harsh to blame them for the shoddy performances they produce.
This film also suffers from The Sixth Sense Syndrome where I guessed the twist about 90 minutes before I was supposed to rendering the remainder of the film pointless.
All a bit boring so nothing much to recommend unless you are easily pleased or want to watch DiCaprio just for the sake of it.
Along with The Wolfman this enters the all new 2010 Turkey category.
Ric's Rating: 21%