Thursday 21 April 2011

A - Z Challenge: R

R is for.................................Rules Of Prey by John Sandford.

Never have a motive.

Never kill anyone you know.

Never carry a weapon after you've used it.

These are just some of the rules laid down by a serial killer known as Mad Dog in the first installment of the fantastic Prey series, all of which feature maverick cop Lucas Davenport.

I have been enjoying the company of Davenport, his colleagues and his family for approximately 20 years now and they continue to excite and captivate.

John Sandford has created one of the most loved and enduring crime novel series and each time I begin the latest installment it's like sitting down for a drink with an old friend.

I highly recommend beginning with Rules Of Prey, you'll be in it for the duration if you do.

Sandford now has a spin off series featuring another cop from these books, Virgil Flowers and next month sees the release of the 21st Prey novel, Buried Prey.

I for one can't wait.


  1. Nice you are a devoted follower of this series.

    I'm enjoying meeting new folks in the A to Z Challenge!


  2. I've gotten very behind of Sanford. Thanks for the info. I'll be checking it out! Have a great weekend!

  3. Nice post. Nice to see you in the A2z challenge.

    I am following your blog.

    Please stop by my blog and if you like it follow it.

    With warm welcome,

  4. It's a great series Monti, thanks for stopping by.
    Pat, it's easy done, I am running behind in quite a few series now. Enjoy your weekend too.
    Gujjari, glad you like the blog, will be stopping by yours asap.

  5. I'm going to get right into this guy, he sounds awesome. Great blog, man.


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