Renowned Marine Biologist Zachary Wallace falls on hard times after a high profile accident at Sea. At this low point he receives a request from his estranged Father to come home to Scotland and stand by his side as he faces an accusation of murder.
The Legend of Loch Ness soon crops up and Zack finds himself investigating a spate of recent deaths in his own unique way. Jeered and resented by most locals he finds help from his childhood friend True and sets about solving the mystery of The Loch while attempting to mend bridges with his Father.
Excellent characters, especially lovable rogue Angus and fiesty Highland female Brandy bring humour and emotion to this story that takes place in a wonderful setting. Even the Scottish Highland accent is pretty accurate.
This book has legend, death, love, mystery, revenge and redemption and is recommended to anyone with an interest in any of those things. That means you.
Rick's Rating: 92%
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